Gwen Cooper was sleeping peacefully one hot July night in Miami, Florida, when she woke up to Homer, her blind cat, growling fiercely. She had never heard homer growl before, so she immediately knew something was wrong. Straining her eyes in the darkness, she saw a burglar standing at the foot of her bed! She quickly reached for her phone to call 911.
“Don’t do that!” The robber told her. Wrong move. His voice gave away his location, and Homer sprang at him with outstretched claws. The intruder, surprised at this sudden attack, fled the house, leaving Gwen and her beloved cat alone.

About Homer
A weak, eyeless kitten with infected eye sockets was treated by Dr. Patricia Khuly, a veterinarian. Dr. Khuly sewed his eyes closed to prevent farther damage, then she introduced the small three-week-old kitten to Gwen, who adopted him on the spot and named him Homer, after the blind ancient Greek poet. His blindness didn’t stop him from behaving like any other cat, he learned how to get around using his other senses.
Purrrfect Feline Facts
Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.
Isaac Newton invented the cat door.
Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping
Cats have 3 eyelids.
Cats can sometimes heal themselves by purring. A domestic cat’s purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz, which happens to be the frequency at which muscles and bones best grow and repair themselves.
To Learn More About Homer, Check out this book written about him by pressing the button or copying and pasting the link below into your browser:

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